You are Worth It

You are Worth It

Invest in yourself. The value and potential that you possess is important enough. Pay attention to the things you love. Give it your time and energy and provide space for it. Remember to feed and nourish it into growth.

This isn’t a new year’s resolution. This is a consistent practice and work in progress and it happens to be my current mantra. One of the many different ways I am exercising this practice is by making space for, and opening myself up to collaboration. On Instagram, I called out for volunteers to help me with some photo projects I had on the back-burner. I received a number of interested responses and I am so grateful to everyone’s openness and willingness to participate in this with me — even if for some people, this was beyond their comfort zone. I am happy to be able to produce this type of work — especially if I am able to empower others to see beauty in themselves. Here are some of the outcomes of my Saturday session with Kelso (and please stay tuned for my shoot on Sunday)!

If you’re reading this and you’ve reached out, thank you! I can’t wait to work with you!

UPDATE: I’ve added a few photos from my Sunday session with Marian. We were feeling a little bit rushed that day but we managed to get some great portraits! Thanks for taking a look :)